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RU-486 https://panda.healthcare/ is a drug used for medical abortion. It was developed in the 1980s by scientists from France and has been approved for use in various countries around the world, including the American United States.

RU-486 https://panda.healthcare/ acts as an drug that interferes with the action of progesterone, which is necessary to maintain fetal life. It causes fetal rejection and leads to termination of pregnancy. It is usually taken along with another drug called a drug that helps speed up and improve the abortion process.

RU-486 may cause adverse reactions such as nausea, vomiting, headaches, bleeding and increased liquid in stool. In some cases consultation with a physician may be required.

Despite the fact that RU-486 https://panda.healthcare/ is considered a a method that is considered safe and effective for termination of pregnancy, it causes much discussion and controversy among people and medical specialists. Some consider it a convenient alternative for abortion, while others are wary of its potential risks and negative consequences.

Overall, mifepristone is one of the important tools in the arsenal of medical methods for abortion. It gives girls choice and control over their bodies. It is important that every girl, before deciding to terminate a pregnancy with mifepristone, discuss all possible options and risks with doctor.

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